Saving for a house is a big undertaking. If you’re like most people, the first thing you probably type into Google is “how to save for a down payment.” It can seem like an overwhelmingly large expense, but don’t fret! Saving for a house down payment is achievable with a little patience – and the best news is that you may not need to save as much as you initially thought.

One thing to consider before we get started: saving for a house doesn’t just include your down payment. There are other costs associated with a home purchase that you need to be aware of, and not knowing all of these costs can be a big mistake.

Now, without further ado, here’s our massive list of 101 ideas on how you can get started saving for a house down payment:

1. Save less

Before you come up with a plan and set any savings goals, make sure you actually know how much you need to save for your home. It might not be as much as you think! There are many first-time home buyer programs out there that allow you to put down as little as 3 or 3.5%. And even if you’re not a first-time homebuyer, you probably don’t need a full 20% down payment. So weigh all of your options and THEN set your savings goal. One thing to keep in mind if you do decide to put down less than 20%: you’ll most likely have to pay PMI or other fees – but that’s normal, so don’t look at it as a negative.

2. Get certified for a lower down payment

If you’re a first-time home buyer, you may have to get certified in order to put down that coveted 3% or 3.5%. When you’re ready, you should get certified as soon as possible. Freddie Mac’s CreditSmart Program will certify you for a Home Possible mortgage, which allows you to put down as little as 3%. Another similar program is Fannie Mae’s Framework Course, which certifies you for their HOMEReady mortgage. This mortgage also allows you to put down as little as 3%.

3. Check out first-time home buyer loans

As we mentioned before, there are many first-time home buyer loans available in the U.S. There may also be state specific or even local programs that you qualify for. Probably the most well known of these programs is the FHA loan, which allows you to put down as little as 3.5% down.

4. Stop paying into your 401k

Before you start thinking about retirement, focus on your short-term goal of saving for a house. Although you may be missing out on contributions from your employer, you’ll be able to make up for that through the equity you gain in your new home. Plus, you can start contributing again as soon as you close on your home.

5. Setup automatic transfers

Use an app like Digs (we’re built just for home buyers) to set up automatic transfers from your savings or checking account. This way your savings are on autopilot and you can budget everything else around it. You could even set up a small daily transfer to feel accomplishment every day, and watch your savings add up over time. Or set a large transfer after every paycheck so you’re not tempted to spend your earnings on something else. Either way, automating your savings will make saving for a house go quicker in the long run.

6. Save together

If you have a significant other, create a savings plan together. Because two savers are always better than one! By doubling up and following some of our other tips, you should hit your goal twice as fast.

7. Challenge yourself

Every now and then, come up with a savings challenge for yourself. Here’s an example: if you’re saving $15,000 for your down payment, challenge yourself to save 10% ($1,500) in 60 days. This will force you to eliminate all unnecessary spending and act as a “saving sprint.” If you hit your goal, great! You’ll be well on your way – but even if you only save half of that, you’ve still saved much more than you probably would have just saved on autopilot.

8. Pay off credit card debt

Paying interest on credit card debt isn’t helping you save, so pay off those credit cards asap! It’s ok to use your credit cards, as long as you’re paying off the balance from month to month. Credit card debt is only troublesome when you have thousands of dollars of it.

9. Create a budget

You could sign up for an app like mint, or you could go old school and budget in excel. We actually prefer the latter because we can control every row and column ourselves. You could also use both, using a budgeting tool to see what you’re currently spending and using a spreadsheet to project what type of budget you’ll need in order to hit your goals.

10. Create a plan

After you finalize your budget and figure out how much you can afford to save each month, create a plan on how you’re going to get there. Work backward each month; break our how much you need to save each week and even each day. Breaking your plan out into smaller chunks will make it more manageable.

11. Set realistic goals

It’s important to set realistic goals when saving for a house. It’s likely a large amount of money and will take time to save. Be honest with yourself and allow for splurging every now and then. Account for nights out, vacations and other fun activities in your budget so you can stay on course.

12. Signup for Digs

Ok, maybe we’re a little biased. We just want you to know that we’ve built a tool just for people like you who are wondering how to save for a down payment. If you’d like to learn more about the tools and features we offer, you can learn more here.

13. Ask for gifted funds

If you’re getting close to your goal and you feel comfortable doing so, ask for gifted funds for your down payment from your family. Make sure they know you’ve been saving on your own before asking. You could also coincide your ask with your wedding, college graduation or other life events so it’s not completely out of the blue.

14. Don’t let the pressure get to you

Buying your first home is a big deal. Don’t be pressured into it by friends or family. Take your time and save at your own leisure. Don’t worry about what your parents say – they came from a different generation when housing was more affordable. And don’t feel pressured if the rest of your friends are buying homes. Only YOU know when the time is right.

15. Look into down payment assistance

Aside from first-time home buyer programs – which offer low down payments – you can also look into down payment assistance programs. However, not everyone qualifies for down payment assistance so make sure to do your research before taking the time to apply.

16. Lower your home budget

This might seem obvious, but sometimes it’s easy to have blinders when it comes to the overall budget of your home. Maybe you saw the perfect house or condo on Zillow and you have the price of that specific property stuck in your head. Or maybe you subconsciously want to outdo that friend of yours who just bought a swanky new place. There’s nothing wrong with lowering your budget – especially on your first home. You may only spend a few years there anyway.

17. Increase your credit score

Your credit score is a huge factor when it comes to qualifying for low down payment programs. It’s also something lenders take into consideration, regardless of your down payment size. Even before you start saving for a house, you should take time to asses your credit and if necessary, take steps to improve it. The good news is you can improve your credit while you save for a house.

18. Cancel some subscriptions

This one is nice and simple! Go through your bank statements and cancel any old subscriptions you have. You never know, you might be paying for an old magazine subscription – or maybe you’re paying for Amazon Prime and hardly using it. This tactic is an easy way to save a few extra bucks each month.

19. Airbnb a spare room

If you have a spare bedroom in your apartment or you travel a lot for work, you could start to Airbnb your space. Even doing this a few times a month can add up to $100s in savings.

20. Airbnb your apartment while living somewhere cheaper

This option is a bit more extreme, but there are stories of people moving to another city, or even country, while Airbnbing out their existing space. It’s not necessarily an easy option and will take careful planning to do so, but if you can pull it off you could save $100s or even $1,000s of dollars a month.

21. Work remotely while living in a cheaper city or country

If you have the luxury of working remotely, it could be a good option to move to another cheaper city in order to save for your down payment. It might sound extreme at first, but it’s not that crazy when you think about it. Especially if you live in a big city like New York or Chicago where rent prices are soaring, moving to another city even 20 or 30 minutes away could save you $1,000s. If you have a job that only allows part-time remote work, it might be worth asking if you can work remotely full-time. There’s no harm in trying! The main goal here is to keep your current salary while moving somewhere with a cheaper cost of living.

22. Borrow from retirement

Borrowing from retirement to fund a home purchase can be tricky. Most 401ks don’t allow you to do so without penalty. You may be able to take a loan from your 401k, but just make sure you read the fine print on repayment. If you have an IRA, you probably have a better chance to use this money penalty free. However, most accounts have a time limit on using the funds for a home purchase.

23. Move to a cheaper city

Simply moving to a cheaper city can afford you multiple benefits, one of them being cheaper home prices. You might also find a cheaper cost of living which comes with cheaper rent, cheaper groceries and will also allow you to stretch your current savings further. The main point we’re trying to make is: a cheaper city makes saving for a house easier.

24. Save your tax refund

Getting any kind of tax refund is great and can provide a much-needed boost to your checking account. However, if you’re serious about saving for a house, don’t be tempted to spend it. If you don’t trust yourself with a large refund, transfer it to an external account so you don’t see it when you log into your everyday bank account. You could even put it into a CD or other locked account to prevent yourself from spending it. If you work for yourself, make sure to check out for automatic tax withholding for the self-employed.

25. Find a rent-to-own apartment

Reader beware: we don’t typically endorse rent-to-own. This is only an option if you personally know and trust the seller, or you were referred to a rent-to-own network by someone who has gone through a similar program successfully. Just be careful not to break the contract as there are usually huge penalties for doing so and you could lose a large portion of the money you’ve put into the home.

26. Settle your student loan debt

If you’re getting close to paying off your student debt, there could be a chance to settle the remainder of your payment with your lender. This also applies to those who have student loan debt in default. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your lender or collection agency to ask about your options when it comes to settling your student debt for than less than you owe.

27. Work for that promotion

Another great way to save for a down payment is to increase your income. If you know there’s room for growth at work, put in the extra effort and go for the promotion. Even if you don’t necessarily love your job, it’s probably easier than finding a new job and you may find that you like your new position better after you get promoted.

28. Ask for a raise

Asking for a raise is much more direct than going for a promotion. If you’ve been killing it at work lately and you think you deserve recognition, go for it! Just make sure to come prepared and don’t surprise your boss by asking for a raise out of context. Set up a meeting and come with talking points and actually ask for the amount you want. Don’t beat around the bush or ask for their suggestion. It’s sometimes helpful to come with comparable industry salaries as well.

29. Have a garage or yard sale

This is another option to make a few extra bucks, plus you’ll probably free up some space while you’re at it. You might also find that you’ll need less space after and opt for a smaller home purchase down the road. This will allow you to save even less for your initial down payment.

30. Sell your stuff on eBay, Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace

eBay and Craigslist are online staples for selling your stuff. Facebook Marketplace is also becoming more popular for offline sales. These sites are great if you have items that you think are too valuable to sell at a garage or yard sale. Plus, you might even get more than you thought if people start a bidding war.

31. Move in with your parents for a few months

We know, we know – this doesn’t sound ideal. But it could be worth it to shack up with Mom and Dad for a few months if it means saving 4-6 months worth of rent payments. That could be a good chunk of your down payment. You’ll have to time this right by moving in at the end of your lease and setting a goal to either 1) purchase your new home while living with your parents or 2) signing another lease (maybe only 6 months this time) a few months later. Either way, this should accelerate saving for a house.

32. Get lucky with a foreclosure or short sale

Doing this isn’t easy and is mostly dependent on market conditions, location and luck of the draw. If you decide to try this route, it’s best to find a real estate agent that specializes in these types of purchases.

33. Start a side hustle

These days, a side hustle could be anything from starting an online store to making and selling jam at a farmer’s market. If you decide to start a side hustle, we recommend doing something you enjoy so you don’t get burnt out. This way, you’ll be excited to work on it after a long day at the office or on weekends.

34. Rent a smaller apartment

Sounds obvious, right? If you’re willing to make the sacrifice, this could make saving for a house a breeze. If you’re living with a significant other, moving from a 2 bedroom apartment to a 1 bedroom apartment could actually have multiple benefits. For one, you’ll be saving a ton of money – and two, you’ll be forced to get rid of a lot of things you probably didn’t need anyway!

35. Rent in a cheaper part of town

Another obvious one, but this might be hard for some. The location and convenience of your current place just might be too good to give up, but keep an open mind. Think of it like this: if you could save just $150/month on rent, that’s $1,800/year that you’re saving right off the bat! Not to mention if you follow a few of the other ideas in this post you’ll be well on your way to saving for that down payment.

36. Know the difference between needs and wants

This is a big one. If you can master this technique, saving for a house will be a sinch. Here are a few examples of needs: groceries, rent, your gas bill, etc. Obviously, you NEED to pay rent and you NEED groceries to eat and survive. A want might be something like a new fur coat or paying for HBO when you already have Netflix. You can probably think of a few wants you can get rid of right after reading this article!

37. Ditch the low-interest savings account

If you’re stashing money in a traditional savings account, you could be missing out on $100s of dollars in interest every year. A simple Google search will turn up various high-interest savings accounts, or you could save with Digs and earn up to $480/year just from our contribution matching program. Either way, it’s time to ditch the low-interest savings account and upgrade to something better.

38. Sell your parking spot

If you have a large driveway or extra parking spot, you could be making extra cash by using an app like SpotHero or JustPark to rent them out. These apps are great money makers if you live by a sports arena or in a large city!

39. Signup for rewards where you shop

Most large retailers, both online and in-store, have rewards programs to incentivize shoppers to come back. If you shop at any one store on a regular basis, you might as well earn rewards for shopping, especially if those rewards on everyday purchases. Remember needs vs. wants though – so use rewards for groceries or items you would buy anyways.

40. Consolidate your student loan debt

Lower your monthly student loan payments by consolidating or refinancing your loans. Start the process by talking to your lender, or go through an online service like Earnest. Once you refinance, simply save the money that you would have been spending on your loans.

41. Join the military

If you or your spouse is a veteran or active military, you’ll most likely qualify for a VA Loan which offers low or 0% down! This should go without saying: don’t join the military just to reap the benefits of VA loans – make sure it’s the right career path for you first, and if so, you can enjoy the benefits the government offers its military.

42. If you have a car, signup for Getaround

Just like renting an unused parking spot, if you’re not using your car, Getaround will pay you to rent it out to others. They even insure your car for you so you don’t have to worry about strangers messing with your stuff. Getaround is only available in select cities, so make sure to check the list here.

43. Get crafty with gifts

Make gifts instead of buying them during the holidays. You’ll save money and the gifts will be more meaningful. A few ideas might be fresh pasta, pottery, knitting a hat or mittens, or even a simple card with a few heartfelt words will do.

44. Switch your phone plan

If you’ve been on the same carrier for years, it might be time to shop around for a new provider. Get pricing from multiple carriers before making the decision. You could even use this price list as leverage against your current provider by telling them you’ll switch to another if they don’t give you a better deal. It actually works!

45. Challenge yourself to not spend once a week

There are so many opportunities to spend a little money here and there throughout the day. Challenge yourself to not spend a single dollar one day a week. Even skipping your daily coffee will add up nicely throughout the year. If you master one day a week, move to two and then three. See how far you can get! This might make saving for a house a little more fun too.

46. Learn about real estate

There are plenty of books and online courses on real estate. You could either learn casually or professionally by taking an official course put on by the National Association of Realtors. If you like learning about real estate, you could even get your license and save money on commissions when you buy your home. Who knows, you might even like it enough to pursue as a career!

47. Assess your bills

This one isn’t as fun, but taking a look at your bills could give you the opportunity to re-negotiate, or even eliminate some of your monthly expenses. Some bills like your electricity and gas are usually hard to change, but it’s possible to lower those bills by using less of each.

48. Work overtime or pick up an extra shift

If it’s available to you, working overtime or picking up an extra shift even once a week could add $100s to your down payment savings. Sure, it’s extra work, but it will be worth it when you finally have the keys to your new home.

49. Downgrade your gym membership

You’d be surprised how cheap some gym memberships can be! Plus, if you don’t go to the gym often, you’re probably wasting a lot of your hard earned money. You could even ditch the membership for a few months and workout at home or outside if the weather permits.

50. Use some of your vacation time to earn extra money

If your company gives generous paid time off, you could use a few of those days to earn money on the side. Whether it’s your side hustle or driving for Lyft or Uber, this could make saving for a house go a little quicker. Of course, if you really need the time off, don’t sacrifice a much-needed vacation – just a suggestion!

51. Review your company benefits

Your company may offer benefits you didn’t even know about. Perhaps they offer a stipend for gym memberships or childcare. It never hurts to ask and could automatically save you money right off the bat! Taking advantage of any benefits you get will only make saving for a house easier.

52. Get free financial advice

It’s never too early to start talking to a real estate agent about your future home purchase. As long as you don’t lead them on and tell them you’ll be purchasing soon, they are usually happy to give free advice and keep in touch when you are ready to buy. Use the time you are saving for a house to talk to multiple real estate agents to see who you like working with the best.

53. Ask for help

Almost everyone knows a friend or family member who has bought a house recently – which means they also have experience saving for a house. Ask them how their experience was and if there was anything they wish they would have known beforehand.

54. Buy in bulk

Buying everyday items in bulk can save you a surprising amount of money. Pay attention to the per unit price of items to make sure you’re actually saving money in the long run.

55. Drive for Uber and/or Lyft

If you have a car and some extra time, driving for Uber or Lyft could be a great way to earn some additional cash. Saving for a home can be tough without increasing your income – and this is an easy way to do that.

56. Become a part-time dog walker

If you’re a dog lover like we are, dog walking could be the perfect way to earn some extra cash while saving for a house. You could ask your friends and family if they need help with their pups, or use a service like Wag.

57. Take care of yourself

Making sure you’re fit and healthy will balance your body and mind so you can make sound financial decisions. In addition to that, practicing preventative care will help you avoid the doctor’s office and expensive medical bills in the long run.

58. Drink less alcohol

A few drinks here and there never hurt anyone, but the less you drink, the more money you’ll save. Ordering drinks when you’re out can really add up quickly. Not to mention drinking less will improve your health and motivate you to save in other ways.

59. Get a hobby

Saving for a house can be stressful at times. It’s important you don’t spend all of your energy just trying to save money. Find a hobby to take your mind off of it. Also, if you find a hobby that is free or cheap, it could replace more expensive activities like eating out.

60. Volunteer

Volunteering is another great (and free) way to spend your time. In addition to saving money, you’ll be giving back to the community in a positive way. Find something you’re passionate about: it could be mentoring kids, working at a community garden, or helping out at a homeless shelter or food kitchen.

61. Take a staycation

Instead of planning an expensive vacation, plan a staycation in your hometown or city. This eliminates the need for an expensive hotel and will give you the chance to explore parts of town you’ve never seen before! It could also be a good opportunity to check out homes in less expensive neighborhoods – if you find something you like that is under budget, maybe you’ll be able to finish saving for a house sooner than expected!

62. Don’t get a pet

As much fun as it would be to bring home a new furry friend, resist! Saving for a house AND paying for pet food, vet fees, and toys will dry up your budget quick. Wait until you close on your new home and you won’t regret. You’ll probably have more space for a pet then anyways.

63. Live simply

The simpler you can live, the less you’ll spend and the easier saving for a house will become. Resist the urge to buy that new flat screen TV or a brand new pair of shoes when your current pair will do. You’ll thank us later!

64. Sell your car

This might not apply to everyone, but if you live in a city with good public transportation you should consider selling your car. If you can get away with it, not having a car will also save you money on gas, repairs and other maintenance costs.

65. Read more books

Find a used book store and buy some cheap classics to entertain yourself. If you start reading more, you could also cancel Netflix for a month or two and put that money towards saving for a house.

66. Get a new job

If you’re unhappy at work or don’t think you’re getting paid enough, finding a new job with a better salary could make saving for a house a breeze. Aside from an increase in salary, a new job may have other perks to help you save. Regardless, there’s no harm in looking and going to a few interviews just to feel it out.

67. Eat out less

We’ll categorize this one as a bit obvious, but it can be easier said than done. Try your best to eat out less, even if it’s one less meal out a week. Once you successfully reach that goal, try one less again – and again, until you’re only eating out when absolutely necessary.

68. Get thrifty

Thrift stores are great places to find deals and get creative with your wardrobe. Many thrift stores also sell jewelry, books, and other nik-naks at a fraction of the cost of other stores.

69. Cut your own hair

This one sounds scary to most, so you could recruit a friend or family member with a little experience. You could also try booking an appointment at a beauty school – sometimes they give free haircuts! If you spend a lot maintaining your hair, this could help you save a good chunk of change each month.

70. Take public transportation

Public transportation is much cheaper than owning a car by a long shot. This only works if you’re living in a town or city with accessible public transportation.

71. Walk everywhere

If you live in a city or close to your place of work and other amenities, you could ditch all forms of transportation and go back to basics. Walking has many health benefits too!

72. Bike everywhere

If you don’t have a bike, save your money and don’t purchase one just to. bike everywhere. If you do have a bike, you’re in luck! Biking is great for you and will surely help on your quest to save for a home. Just make sure to take care of it so you don’t need to spend money on repairs or maintenance.

73. Buy generic brands

We’ve all seen the generic knock-off cereal brands next to our childhood favorites. Trust us, they’re just as good and a whole lot better for your wallet. The same is true for other groceries, not just cereal!

74. Cook more often

Cooking at home will always be cheaper than eating out. It’s also a chance to learn a new skill and have fun with your significant other, or yourself! Recipes like homemade pasta and pizza are also some of the cheapest things to make.

75. Babysit

Babysitting is one of the easiest ways to make some extra cash. There are also networks you can sign up for now to get even more business.

76. Learn how to sew

We’re serious! Learning to sew is actually a great skill and will make your clothes last 3 times as long.

77. Use Groupon, Living Social or Guilt

These coupon sites are great resources to find discounts on things you love to do. Just be careful not to buy too many coupons or you’ll be spending just as much as you were before. Set a budget and stick to it.

78. Find happy hours

Avoid bars and restaurants at peak hours. Go during the week when they have specials. Online magazines like Eater and Thrillist are always publishing new lists of the best happy hours in town. Saving for a house doesn’t have to be all work and no play!

79. Find free events

Try to find free things to do on the weekends instead of going out to eat or other pricey activities. Free activities are all over if you take a minute to look. Museums, conservatories and improv shows are just a few.

80. Attend first-time home buyer seminars

Real estate agents and lenders love to give first-time home buyer seminars. They’re almost always free and usually have snacks and coffee waiting for you. This is a great way to talk to other potential home buyers and network with agents and lenders.

81. Start talking to lenders

There’s no rule that says you have to wait until you’re done saving for a house to talk to a lender. Just make sure you don’t get pre-approved too early. Feel free to talk to multiple lenders about what loan products they offer. You’ll find they’re happy to guide you along the way!

82. Use cash instead of debit or credit cards

This might sound a little odd at first, but it works! However, you have to be smart about it. Only take out as much cash as your budget allows and don’t keep it on you at all times. Stash some at home and some in your wallet or purse. Limit what you take out to daily or weekly budgets so you don’t have a ton of cash lying around.

83. Make your own coffee

If you buy Starbucks every day, you’re probably spending A LOT on coffee. The cheapest way to drink coffee is to ground it and make it yourself. Luckily this is also the most delicious way to drink coffee.

84. Block yourself from online shopping

If you can do this with pure grit and self-control, good for you. If you’re like us, you need a little extra help. There are plenty of apps and plugins out there to help you curb your shopping habits. Here’s a list of a few.

85. If you must shop online, use Honey

If you must shop online (we know some of you are addicted), then you should use Honey. It’s a genius browser plugin that automatically finds coupons for whatever site you’re shopping on. Ok – maybe it was a bad idea to tell you about it.

86. Meal prep

Planning your meals
for the week is a great way to save money. It prevents you from spending money on expensive lunches or being tempted to go out to meals with co-workers.

87. Re-invest stock dividends

If you actively invest in stocks, try reinvesting your dividends for amplified returns. This could help earn you more money over time and may not be the best way to save for a home quickly. Just another idea!

88. Sell some stocks

If you have an excess of stocks, it might be a good idea to sell some to fund your down payment. Do this at your own discretion. It depends on the stocks you have and the market at the time – just remember, real estate usually appreciates in value too so you’ll still hopefully make gains on your money.

89. Use lists when shopping

It sounds simple, but using a list while shopping will help you budget and not make impulse buys. This doesn’t have to apply to just the grocery store either. Lists work equally well when shopping for clothes or gifts.

90. Quit smoking

This goes without saying, but smoking isn’t good for you anyways! Quitting will save you money on all those packs and will be much healthier for you.

91. Save electricity

Cut down on your energy bill by turning off lights and installing energy efficient bulbs. These bulbs may seem like a large investment at first but could end up saving you $100s in the long-run. If you’re not completely sold on the idea of energy efficient bulbs, just make sure to keep those lights off and unplug energy draining electronics when you’re not using them.

92. Shop at a cheaper grocery store

You don’t need to shop at Whole Foods to find everything you need. Stores like Aldi and Trader Joes have great options and provide a ton of generic brands for much cheaper than other stores. This is a great habit to get into and will save you money long after you’re done saving for a house.

93. Eat more fresh food

Fresh food, especially produce, is often times cheaper than processed alternatives. Aside from saving money, this is also a healthier option for you!

94. Don’t waste food

Food waste is a huge problem in the U.S. Get educated on when your food actually expires and make a point to use all of your leftovers. This is another sustainable practice that will also save you money in the long run.

95. Join Costco

Buying a Costco membership will allow you to buy items in bulk and save money in the long run. Coincidentally, Costco also has a mortgage services branch that allows members to save money on their home loans!

96. Share accounts

Many services like Hulu and Netflix actually allow account sharing. If your family, roommate, or friends have an account you could ask to join and even offer a few bucks to split the cost instead of getting your own.

97. Carpool

Another obvious one, carpooling will save you money on gas. It’s even easier to carpool nowadays through Uber and Lyft’s “pool” options. You could also go the classic route by pooling with a group of friends of co-workers. You could even find other people who are saving for a house!

98. Homebrew

Brewing your own beer is fun and cheap in comparison to buying beer at a bar. You don’t have to be an expert to get started either! There are many homebrewing starter kits online for beginners. Try it alone or make it a group activity with some pals.

99. Sleep on it (aka the 24-hour rule)

If you’re about to make an impulse buy, try to wait 24 hours before actually making the purchase. You might find you didn’t really need the item after all.

100. Drink tap water or buy a water filter

If you buy a lot of bottled water, try drinking tap for a while or buy a water filter. It will save you money in the long run. Not to mention it’s better for the environment! Saving for a house can be sustainable too!

101. Be patient

Whatever you do, keep at it and don’t give up! You’ll reach your goal eventually and look back on the time when you were saving for a home with gratitude. And remember, sign up for Digs to make saving for and buying your home a breeze!

We hope this huge list helps when you’re saving for a house! See how many of these you can implement in your daily life and let us know how quickly you save for your down payment!

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